Knox Now…
Fall Vodcast Series
Walk a Mile in Another’s Shoes: Journey Through Different Lives
with Richard
In Walk a Mile in Another’s Shoes, Richard embarks on a journey to understand and appreciate the lives of others by metaphorically walking a mile in their shoes. This proverb, with roots in Native American traditions and echoed in various cultures and literary works, emphasizes empathy and understanding.
Each episode combines biblical wisdom, modern insights, and real-life examples to offer a holistic view of empathy and understanding. Join Richard as he explores how different perspectives can enrich our own lives and foster deeper connections with those around us.
This series will highlight the importance of empathy, compassion, resilience, and understanding in our daily lives.
Episode 6:
Their Moments of Doubt
In this episode of Walk a Mile in Another’s Shoes, Richard explores how faith helps us overcome doubt. Through stories like Helen Keller’s and everyday examples, we reflect on the power of trusting the journey, even in uncertainty.
To comment on this vodcast, suggest upcoming topics, and check out other VODCASTS in this series Click HERE.
Read the original poem with the famous line Walk a Mile in His Moccasins
I’m sure you all want to hear updates on the building project, but the developer has been holding us at arms’ length through July and August. We’re waiting for a meeting date and an update on what’s happening. In the meantime, we received the good news that the VSB has signed their easement agreement with Hon – this was one of the very few remaining things that needs to happen to be able to break ground. We’ve also made use of our legal counsel (and Hon’s) to require an improvement to security measures at the old Fellowship Centre now that autumn is here.
Arts and Crafts
Free Drop In
MONDAYS 1 pm – 3 pm
Bring your own project to the weekly Knox Arts and Crafts Drop-In and create your next masterpiece.
Everyone is welcome.
Feel free to invite family, friends, and neighbours.
Stretch, Strength, and Balance Exercise Classes At Knox
Fall Sessions:
September 12 – October 24
October 31 – December 12
More Info
Next Worship
October 20, 2024
at 10 am
Lead by Serving
Reading: Mark 10:35-45
with Rev. Dr. Richard Chung
If you don’t learn from mistakes, they become regrets.
Thanksgiving & Stewardship Sunday
with Rev Dr Richard Chung
Sermon Title: “Redefine Wealth”
Text: Mark 10: 17-31
Synopsis: The story of the rich young ruler challenges us to reconsider our relationship with wealth. Discover the true treasure in following Jesus and using our resources to further God’s kingdom.
Stewardship Question:
What steps can we take to ensure our financial resources are aligned with our faith values?
Whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.
Focus on goals not on obstacles.
Daily Meditation
By Rev Dr Richard Chung
Read by Members of the Knox Congregation
October 13 Sunday
October 14 Monday
PRINT Daily Meditations for the Week of October 13 to October 19
If you would like to catch up on the Daily Meditations or share them with family and friends you can always find them in video, text or printable format HERE.
Happiness shared is a precious gift.
Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive
Oct. 13 is Thanksgiving Sunday. Knox is once again collecting healthy and fresh food for First United Social Housing Program in downtown Vancouver. This is a very challenging time for those in need; every donation is needed and greatly appreciated.
“Committed at its heart to the struggle for social justice, First United is a place of welcome for people experiencing homelessness and poverty in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.”
Donations may be brought to the Worship Service at Knox on Sunday morning, the 13th of October. (If you are unable to bring donations on the Sunday please contact the church office to determine a time and place for delivering your donations.) During the first part of the service we will carry items to the display in the chancel. Foods will be distributed into bags following the service for delivery downtown.
As you shop think about: case lots, soups, tuna, juices, pastas, cereals, potatoes, squash, veggies, chili, coffee/tea, firm fruit, pet foods, etc. (Last year we heard appreciation for the gluten-free items that arrived.)
This Thanksgiving Grace was shared with us by First United Church …
O God, to those who are hungry,
give bread
and to those who have bread,
please give a hunger for justice.
May it be so.