Susan McAlpine
April 17,2020
Wait — do we need to worry about penguins while Knox is empty?
More cuteness and hilarity at
April 17, 2020
Keeping Knox and our neighbours safe and connected during the COVID-19 pandemic is a key priority for all of us. Here are some key updates from the Knox Go-Team and Board for April 17, 2020.
Any novelty one might find in staying home has certainly faded by now. We hope you’re still finding lots of ways to fill the hours — but thriving isn’t always easy. When the weather is good, it is important to get outside for a walk or enjoy the sun by sitting out in your balcony or backyard. Take a break from the news. Listen to your favourite music. Spend some time in prayer or meditation. If you find you’re having challenges with social distancing, don’t forget.
We anticipate that more needs could pop up over the next week or two — whether physical needs like food, or emotional needs like human connection. If you need anything, please let your caller know. We’ll do our best to support you.
Need a laugh? Be ready for Holy Humour Sunday this week! Since the times of the early Greek Christians, the week following Easter Sunday has been observed as a time of joy and laughter to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. You can expect some special (and silly) guests at Worship this week.
Please prepare a candle before worship to light when Rev. Richard lights the Christ candle and the Blue candle for global concerns. This is a way to participate actively in the worship experience.
Join us Sundays @10:30 AM on the Knox website home page.
Please maintain your social connections by gathering on Zoom after the service. If you don’t have a device, or you’re especially nervous about tech stuff, you may:
- Call in from your landline or cell phone: 604-261-3747.
- We’ll find you a coach! Patient tech support is always available.
In addition to Virtual worship, the Knox website is filled with faithful and joyful content. Pray with Rev. Sharon. Watch how to make Korean Sushi with Sue. Learn how your Easter Appeal gifts will work in the Downtown East Side. Our Go-team is working hard to make the website a happy and hope-filled destination.
Believe it or not, there’s rain in the forecast this coming week! If you’re looking for professional, appropriate exercise videos to support indoor health, why not try some of these videos?
Believe it or not, there’s rain in the forecast this coming week! If you’re looking for professional, appropriate exercise videos to support indoor health, why not try some of these videos?
These routines are supported by the British Heart Foundation, led by an exercise professional, and supported by the National Institute for Aging, led by Go4Life Fitness Instructor:
• Strength & Flexibility (10 min) for legs in sitting and standing, with balance exercises to finish:
• Cardio routine (50 min of exercises to increase heart rate and fitness) through marching, toe taps, and arm strength:
• 4 Lower Body Strength (10 min of leg raises backwards, sideways, sit to stand, heel raises):
• 3 Balance Exercises (8 min) – single leg standing, heel-toe walking, exaggerated stepping:
- For standing exercises, have a counter or a sturdy chair back nearby, in case you need to grab something to recover your balance. Use the chair to sit if you need a break.
- Have someone else near you for the first few times using a new video. Or, if exercising alone, keep a phone right within reach for emergencies.
Physical distancing and self isolation are the most effective ways to limit the transmission of disease in our community. Our governments, first responders, care workers and immunocompromised neighbours need you to stay home except on truly urgent matters. Their safety depends on it.
If you must go out, maintain 6+ feet of space between yourself and others. Wash your hands carefully and frequently, for at least 20 seconds, with warm water and soap. Refrain from touching your face.
Thank you for your patience and conscientiousness in these exceptional times.
Be kind and understanding, and make conservative choices to protect others as well as yourself.
We exist to love God and our neighbours.
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