Prayer for the Climate Strike

On this day of Global Climate Action,
Friday September 27th, 2019,

We pray.

God of all creation
Of water, earth and sky:
We are anxious.
Anxious – not just about small things.
But about the very existence of the planet
Of generations to come
Of the future of your great work of creation.
We are collectively complicit.
Complicit in our addiction
Addiction to stuff.
Addiction to old rocks, liquefied.
To our mobility and ‘right’ to travel.
To our own pitiable sense of self-importance.
We are longing.
But perhaps even our longing
is not enough.
For your Reign to come.
(Perhaps only you can do that?)

Meanwhile –
We live deeper into deep pits
in ever-growing fragments.
And polarities.

Great, Holy Spirit
Like a rushing wind.
Stir us to action.
Make us one, as You are one.
Jesus, great Gardener.
Plant Your hope in our hearts.
To live grace-ably into Your reign.
Loving Parent.
Make us children.
At rest on our Mamas knee.
Free us from the anxiety that’s all around.
Draw us back to your still waters.
May we drink deep.
Of the springs of surrender.
And rivers of repentance.
Root us in the soil of your love.
May the hope for the future
Be as vast and clear as the winter prairie sky.
This we pray
O God of groaning creation
of water earth and sky.

— Written by Pacific Mountain Regional Council Regional Minister Rev. Rob Crosby-Shearer, for United Church people on this day of the first Global Climate Strike.