On the first Sunday of Lent the dark purple curtain, hangings and Bible bookmark are put into place. The beautiful antependia were designed and stitched by Helen Overgaard, in 2000. The designs are appliquéd onto dark purple wool.
The pulpit hanging shows a cross, wheat and grapes, while the lectern hanging shows a cross and a crown of thorns. These antependia carry a special memory for Helen, which will be surprising for others. Helen gathered ties from several men from the Knox congregation, and used pieces of the ties to create the designs. She tells of thinking of owners of the ties as she cut and stitched.
The large purple hanging under the stained glass window is made of a soft synthetic fabric, with a gold fringe near the top. Compared to the green silk curtain which it replaces, it is pretty lightweight. The large purple curtain hearkens back to a movie shoot which was done in the sanctuary. In an effort to make Knox look more “Catholic”, the purple curtain was made by the film company and used under the window. After the filming, the company initially forgot to take the curtain with them, and when contacted they offered the curtain to Knox, free of charge. Who were we to refuse?