
Rev Dr Richard Chung

Rev Dr Richard Chung
October 25, 2020

Love in the Time of Corona Fall Sermon Series

Membership in the Time of Corona

Based on Luke 18:9-14

     Membership has its rewards, or so we are led to believe in most things we are part of. There should be benefits. There should be extra points for doing more or doing better. In the community of faith, there are no extra points to be collected. Whatever the rewards, they are there for all. What is the member’s profile for the community of faith? For the Pharisee, in Luke 18:9-14, it is giving a large sum and being noticed for it. He stands out in the crowd. The bigger and splashier the gift, the more it is worth. The tax collector illustrates the genuine membership profile – humility, honesty and integrity. When we give with strings attached or expecting a benefit or reward for ourselves, it contradicts all that Jesus taught.

| Pledge Sunday | Worship Order | October 25, 2020

Organ Prelude: “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”
(Hyfrydol, R.H. Pritchard), arr. M. Klassen


Candle Lighting

Hymn: “We Are Pilgrims”     VU 595

A Minute for Stewardship

Scripture Reading: Luke 18:9-14

Time For All Ages

Solo:  “Give to my eyes, Lord”     Colin Coppen / Ronald Corp

Sermon: “Membership in the Time of Corona”

Reflective Music: “Basse de Cromorne”, Louis-Nicolas Clerambault

The Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer

Hymn: “We Have This Ministry”      VU 510


Organ Postlude: “Trompette ou de Cornet en Dialogue”,Louis-Nicolas Clerambault

Click —->Zoom Fellowship to join each other for virtual coffee at 11:30 am

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