Rev Dr Richard Chung
Guest Presider and Preacher Rev Janice Guthrie
November 15, 2020
Parable of the Talents
Based on Matthew 25: 14-30
What are the bags of gold? Is it money, time, talent, skill, resources, truth, responsibilities etc.? What is it that God has entrusted to us in our lives that he expects us to handle well? This is a parable about stewardship. How we as Christians take care of what God has given us to take care of.
Sunday Worship Order | November 15, 2020
Prelude: “What a Friend”, Dale Wood
Candle Lighting
Invitation to Worship:
Fearful and faithful, seeking Love’s will and Love’s way, let us be alert to the presence of the Holy connecting us across our distances.
Fearful and faithful, we listen for the voice that speaks to us in silence and in storm.
Let us offer our gratitude and our longing, our concerns and our commitment.
We offer ourselves and our worship to God.
Gathering Prayer:
Voice of the voiceless, strength of the powerless, wisdom of the foolish, we give thanks for your parables of life, which challenge our conventional wisdom, disturb our cherished expectations, and call us from our places of comfort and security into the wild hope and unimagined possibilities of your reign. May your fierce and tender Spirit inspire our worship and shape our lives into living parables, that we may be agents of your pervasive, subversive, and unstoppable love. Amen.
Hymn: “Open My Eyes, That I May See” VU 371
Offering Our Brokenness, Seeking Reconciliation:
Hope of the world, source of compassion, we live in a world polluted by violence and rage, infected by greed and despair, and possessed by apathy and fear. We need your love and compassion to mend our hearts and spirits, your Spirit to show us when to act and when to do nothing, and your Wisdom to teach us how to recognize and resist evil in its many guises. We offer our brokenness, and the brokenness of this world, even as we commit ourselves anew to your reign of justice, liberty and peace. Amen.
A Time for All Ages
A Reading from the Gospels: Matthew 25: 14-30
Hymn: “When Pain of the World” VU 598
Reflecting on the Reading
Meditative Music: “Air” Gordon Young
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern
The Disciples’ Prayer:
Abba, our God, whom the heavens disclose,
may your name be held holy,
your authority come.
May your longing be fulfilled
as in heaven, so on earth.
Give us today the bread of tomorrow,
and cancel our debts
as we have already forgiven our debtors.
Do not draw us in to sinful enticement
but set us free from the grip of evil;
for authority and power and glory
are yours alone, forever.
Amen. –Alternative Service Book, 1980.
Hymn: “To Show By Touch and Word” VU 427
Commissioning and Benediction
Sung Amen: VU 974
Amen! Amen! Hallelujah, amen! (x 3)
Postlude: “Caprice” Louis-Nicolas Clerambault
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