Fall Knox Services, 2022

November 20, 2022
with Rev Dr Richard Chung

Swords into Plowshares

Isaiah says, “the city will be saved, and nations will beat swords into plowshares.” God calls us to do the work of reconciliation in the world.

Reading: Isaiah 2:1-4

November 13, 2022
with Rev Dr Richard Chung

David and Bathsheba

God forgave David’s sin when he repented.
God forgives us of our sins when we repent and live to honor God.

Reading: 2 Samuel 11:1-5, 26-27; 12:1-15

November 6, 2022
with Rev Dr Richard Chung


God saved the people of Israel and chose Joshua to lead people to the Promised Land. Joshua says, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Like Joshua, we must remember that we are God’s children and lead the world to serve the Lord, One God.

Reading: Joshua 24:1-26

October 30, 2022
with the Reverend Janice Guthrie

Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost

I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.
–Nelson Mandela

Reading: Luke 19: 1-10

October 23, 2022
with the Reverend Janice Guthrie

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Jesus comes to show us how to be human much more than how to be
spiritual, and the process still seems to be in its early stages. –Richard RohrJ

Reading: Luke 18: 9-14

October 16, 2022
with the Reverend Janice Guthrie

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Reading: Jeremiah 31: 31-34 & Luke 18: 1-8

October 9, 2022
with Rev Dr Richard Chung

“The Ten Commandments”

God gave the Israelites laws to live in harmony with God and one another. We ask God to show us how to live in God’s laws so that all may know of God’s love.

Reading: Exodus 20:1-17

October 2, 2022
with Rev Dr Richard Chung

“Crossing the Red Sea”

God rescued the Israelites at the edge of the Red Sea by parting the sea. We ask God to rescue us from the things of this world that threaten our lives and livelihood so that we might forever put our trust in God.

Reading: Exodus 14:1-31

September 25, 2022
with Rev Dr Richard Chung

“Joseph in Prison”

Joseph is unjustly put in prison, yet God is present with him there. We ask God to help us to see that God is always with us so that we might live faithfully in the world.

Reading: Genesis 39: 1-23

September 18, 2022
with Rev Dr Richard Chung

Call of Abraham

God called Abram out from his hometown to a land God would show him. And God promised to bless Abram and his descendants. So, Abram left just as God said. When we honor our covenant with God, God will bless us to be a blessing to others.

Reading: Genesis 12:1-9

September 11, 2022
with Rev Dr Richard Chung

Noah’s Flood

God saw that human evil was out of control. So, God brought a flood on the Earth to destroy everything alive under Heaven. But Noah was a good man. So, God established a covenant with Noah. God commanded Noah to build a ship to board his family and two of each living creatures to preserve their lives during the flood. After the
flood, God set a bow in the sky to remind Noah and us that God will never again forsake God’s creation with the flood waters. We ask God to help us to be ever mindful of God’s promise so that we might honor our covenant with God.

Reading: Genesis 6:1-22