A New Sermon Series: April 18 – May 16, 2021
Series Synopsis: Life beyond the empty grave is all about the life with the Risen Jesus. Jesus is not in the grave anymore. The grave is empty. Jesus is risen and alive now. The life we live now is with the risen Jesus. We are Easter people. As the Easter people, we live with the Risen Christ, as we “touch” “follow”, “abide”, “love”, and “proclaim” Him every day.
May 16, 2021
For the Full Online Virtual Worship SERVICE for May 16 Click here
Text: Acts 1:1-11
Before the Risen Jesus ascended to heaven, he gave his disciples a clear commission: to proclaim him – to make disciples of all people and to baptize in his name. We are called to help people to be intimate with the Risen Jesus and to help them to live a resurrection life in him. So, proclaim the Risen Jesus!
May 9, 2021
For the Full Online Virtual Worship SERVICE for May 9 Click here
Text: John 15:9- 17
We love the Risen Jesus because he loved us first. And he calls us to love one another, as he loved us. We express our love for the Risen Jesus through our love for our neighbours and the Earth. Loving the Risen Jesus means to serve and even die for our friends as Jesus did.
May 2, 2021
For the Full Online Virtual Worship SERVICE for May 2 Click here
Text: John 15:1-8
The Risen Jesus is the True Vine. We must abide in him. He nurtures us and sustains our soul. The life beyond the empty grave requires us to leave behind the old shell that we have been attached to. Our attachment to the old shell prevents us from abiding in the Risen Jesus who gives us true life. So, abide in him.
April 25, 2021
For the Full Online Virtual Worship SERVICE for April 25 Click here
Text: John 10:11-18
The Risen Jesus is the good shepherd. We follow him only. We follow wherever and however he leads us, because he is the good shepherd who leads us into the streams of life.
April 18, 2021
For the Full Online Virtual Worship SERVICE for April 18 Click here
Text: Luke 24:36-48
The Risen Jesus showed his wounded hands and feet to his disciples and asked them to touch them. When they touched his wound, they believed him. We must touch the Risen Jesus. As we touch his wounded hands and feet, he touches us to make us whole. Empowered by his touch, we are to touch the wounded people and the broken Earth to make them whole.
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