Theme: Stewardship
Stewardship is about caring for what we love the most. Especially in the time of corona, we need to refocus our lives and fully commit all our time, talent, and treasure to care for what we love the most
October 4 Good Stewardship in the Time of Corona
Based on Genesis 1:26-31
Stewardship begins with the realization that God created everything in the world, and everything belongs to God. It’s based on our relationship with God, our relationship with our neighbours, and the ways we use the bounty God has given us – whether it is property, wealth, time, or skills, to fulfill God’s loving purposes. Everything we have comes from God as a love gift. And God wants us to offer this gift to the world as a love gift.
To view the full service for October 4th click HERE
October 11 Thanksgiving in the Time of Corona
Based on Deuteronomy 8:7-18
Thanksgiving is about “Sharing God’s Abundance.” It begins with surveying and seeing the abundance all around us. Our God is a God of abundance. And God wants us to share God’s blessing to the world, especially now, in the time of corona. God challenges us to see abundance instead of scarcity and seek God and not dwell on our circumstances. We trust that God is Jehovah Jireh (God, the Provider).
To View the Full Service for October 11th click HERE
October 18 Living into God’s Love in the Time of Corona
Guest Presider and Preacher Rev. Sharon Copeman
Based on Ezekiel 47:1-12
Ezekiel’s community was in turmoil… their temple had been destroyed and there was no going back to it… the people had been taken into exile. Ezekiel’s call from God was a message of hope… in the midst of all this confusion that surrounded and filled their lives, God’s love was pouring out to them from the temple gates in all directions. The temple had been understood as the place where God was at home… but God cannot be contained! God pours out love and blessing on the people – on us – and calls us to be a blessing for all creation.
We can’t be in our building for now, but we will – we’re blessed! In the meantime, God’s love is with us and revealed in the ways we share God’s love in this strange time… through our stewardship.
To view the Full Service for October 18th Click HERE
October 25 Membership in the Time of Corona
Based on Luke 18:9-14
Membership has its rewards, or so we are led to believe in most things we are part of. There should be benefits. There should be extra points for doing more or doing better. In the community of faith, there are no extra points to be collected. Whatever the rewards, they are there for all. What is the member’s profile for the community of faith? For the Pharisee, in the Luke 18:9-14, it is giving a large sum and being noticed for it. He stands out in the crowd. The bigger and splashier the gift, the more it is worth. The tax collector illustrates the genuine membership profile—humility, honesty, and integrity. When we give with strings attached or expecting a benefit or reward for ourselves, it contradicts all that Jesus taught.
To view the Full Service for October 25th Click HERE
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Vancouver, BC
V6N 1L1 Canada