New Membership

Knox is offering New Membership/Baptism/Confirmation Class with the Rev. Dr. Richard Chung.

If you are interested in being a member of Knox United Church, via Transfer of Membership (from another UCC) or Baptism or Confirmation (If you been baptised as a child and desire to confirm your baptism as an adult), or New Membership Class (if you have been baptised from a church outside of the UCC), please contact the Rev. Richard Chung in-person or through the Contact Form by December 11, 2022

Membership/Baptism/Confirmation and Renewal of Baptism service will be held on January 8th, 2023 Sunday Worship Service.

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5590 Balaclava Street
Vancouver, BC
V6N 1L1   Canada

Boots The Church Cat Demonstrating a Stretch
Boots The Cat Demonstrating a Stretch

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