Real World Parable Reflections Podcasts

A Lenten Series on
Matthew’s Morsels

Each week of Lent and Holy Week, Rev Richard invites us to “Come Along Side Jesus” in these short (under 5 minute) reflections. Take a moment to wonder together, as we explore Parables from the Gospel of Matthew with real world examples and concrete ideas on how to apply them to daily life in a storytelling format.

Parables are simple stories used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus.

Lent 1: FORGIVE – Always

Lent 2: GENEROSITY – Giving Not Getting

Lent 3: Are You Prepared?

Lent 4: Are You Playing Safe?

Lent 5: Do For The Least of The World

Palm Passion: Walk The Line

Easter: Butterfly Transformation

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V6N 1L1   Canada