make a difference

by Richard Dunsterville

Jesus frequently talked about money, and I unashamedly will too!

Considerations as we plan our pledge:

  • Jesus encourages us to live a life that values sharing – including our money. There are many worthy charities asking for support, but making our church’s ministries a charitable priority makes our offering an expression of our faith, sharing God’s blessings.
  • Be enthusiastic about helping shape Knox’s future as it undergoes many changes, by faithfully giving today. I encourage giving by PAR, enabling a predictable budget and income. I recently joined this, and it’s helpful.
  • Consider what a meaningful amount of money is for your family: How much would make you pause and think twice before you actually spend it? This probably represents a meaningful amount. Now prayerfully ponder sharing meaningfully to sustain or enlarge our ministries here.
  • Knox has a good reputation of generous support for the Mission and Service Fund. I encourage further support here  of our world partners and national outreach. M&S recently helped with Caribbean hurricane disaster recovery.
  • Another way we can support our church is as a VOLUNTEER. This our Practice of Worshiping, takes many people,- most are volunteers.

     There are many ways you can volunteer to become an active partner in our worship ministry :
• Be a GREETER with a warm friendly welcome to all who come. Show hospitality to visitors and they will return. All of us had a first time here… and returned. Why?
• USHER, bring in and out the flame for the Christ candle. Bring in the offering box and food for First United. Count the attendees.
• Be part od a COUNTING team.
• READ Scripture in worship.
• Serve as a SOUND person – adjusting levels and recording the service.
• Help with special worship services: Preparing Communion Elements, or be a Communion server when asked.
• Be prepared to lead devotions at church meetings.
• A person in charge of flowers to beautify the sanctuary, or keeping up the Memorial Garden, or other flower beds.
• SERVE on a Team: Exploring Faith, Stewardship and Social Justice, Pastoral Care, Worship, Welcoming and Communication, Facilities & Property….

When you notice that a job needs doing – volunteer!!

OUR Dreams for the Future:
     We dream of having our new building and the space that it will offer for activities and groups focussed on doing the work of justice and advocacy, expanding on our present programs, as well as space for community groups, the preschool and children’s groups and choirs….and new programs we have only begun to envision…!

Thank you.