Live Generously

Rev Dr Richard Chung

Rev Dr Richard Chung
September 20, 2020

Meditations on Essential Life Lessons for Today

Live Generously

(Based on Matthew 20:1-16)

     We desire to live in a fair world. We believe that life should be fair, and we expect to receive our fair wage for our work. If not, like the day laborers in Jesus parable (Matthew 20:1-16), we complain, “It’s not fair!” and demand our fair share. But what these day laborers and all who are hearing this parable do not appreciate is that God is not about fairness. God is about justice-filled grace and calls us to live generously. Because what Jesus envisioned and called us to strive toward is the world where “the last one standing in line, will be the first one to get in.” (versus. 16 paraphrase).


Organ Prelude: “All Are Welcome” setting arr. Lynn Trapp


Candle Lighting

Hymn: “There’s a Spirit in the Air” VU 582

Time for All Ages

Scripture Reading: Matthew 20:1-16

Solo: “Help Us Accept Each Other” Words: Fred Kaan;

Music: Doreen Potter

Sermon: “Live Generously”

Reflective Music: “Feuillet d’album” Denis Bedard

Prayers of the People & the Lord’s Prayer

Hymn: “Draw the Circle Wide”  MV 145


Organ Postlude: “Cortege” Gordon Young

Click —->Zoom Fellowship to join each other for virtual coffee at 11:30 am

Knox United Church
Mission: “We exist to love God and love our neighbours” (Matthew 22: 36-40)
Vision: “We aspire to engage our neighbours through the arts, building a community without loneliness”

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