The congregation of Knox United Vancouver is very pleased to announce that we have called the Rev. Dr. Richard Chung to be our permanent lead minister.
This call is effective April 1, 2018. After an extensive search by the Ministry Profile and Search Team, Rev Chung’s name was presented to the congregation for approval on March 18, 2018.
Reverend Richard has 20 years of service in the ministry and most recently served at St. Paul’s United in Kelowna for 12 years.
Richard brings a firm belief that art and music are the channels that will help the church reach out to our multicultural neighbours as we strive, with Jesus as our compass, to bring the message of love and hope to a wider community. His educational background and experience firmly support this.
Richard is very unique, talented and hard-working. The Knox congregation feel very lucky Richard has agreed to be our minister.
We have been enjoying Rev Chung’s engaging sermons and warm personality since January 2018 when he joined us as our temporary minister.
If you have not yet met Richard, please join us Sundays at 10 am or make an appointment through the church office 604 261 3747.
Have a listen- we are sure you will want to hear more!
Richard and his lovely wife Sue were warmly welcomed at coffee time on Easter Sunday.