The Knox Pastoral Care team is exploring the possibility of starting a Prayer Shawl Ministry.
Prayer shawls are usually presented to those who may need comfort in difficult times, such as illness, grief or anxiety. Wrapping oneself in such a shawl, prayerfully and lovingly made, can bring comfort , love and warmth in a time of stress or trial.
We are asking those who like to knit, crochet, or weave to consider taking part. If you are interested and wish to explore this ministry with us, please prayerfully consider how you might take part.
* Perhaps you would be willing to donate or purchase yarn for those who do wish to make them.
* There are also patterns for making these from light weight fleece, if you are not a knitter.
If you are interested and would be willing to meet together one time soon, to learn more about this ministry, please leave a message for Helen O. 604-261 3747