Rev Dr Richard Chung
November 29, 2020
Nesting Hope
Based on Mark 13: 24-37
Jesus says, “Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come.” The followers of Jesus Christ must be on the watch for that “day” by living our days conveying and nesting hope for the people living in a world filled with fear and uncertainty.
Service Worship Order | November 29, 2020
Prelude: “Oh, Come, Oh, Come, Emmanuel” (Veni Emmanuel), John Behnke
Welcoming & Call to Worship
Song: “Jesus Came Bringing Us Hope” MV 33
Jesus came bringing us hope. (3 times)
Hallelujah forever more! (repeat whole piece)
Advent Candle Lighting
“Hope Is a Star” VU 7, verse 1
Hymn: “Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus” VU 2
Scripture: Mark 13: 24-37
Solo: “My Lord, What a Morning” Traditional Spiritual; Arr.: Jay Althouse
Sermon: Nesting Hope
One hundred and ten years ago, on the first Sunday of Advent, ten members gathered together to take part in the first communion service celebrated at Knox Presbyterian Church, Kerrisdale.
In 1925 this congregation became part of the United Church of Canada and since 1948 this sanctuary has been our place of worship.
Today, as we once again celebrate the sacrament of communion on the first Sunday of Advent, we remember with gratitude all those who have faithfully served this congregation since 1910. (Mary Graham)
God is with us. We are not alone.
Christ is present here. The Spirit moves within us.
Let us give thanks to God. In memory and in hope.
Blessings be to you, Creator God, — And now as we prepare for that child to be born again, we echo the ancient cry:
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!”
And also, we lift our voices in song, singing together the praises of ages
(MV 203)
O holy, holy, holy God,O God of time and space.
All earth and sea and sky above bear witness to your Grace.
Hosanna in the highest heav’n, creation sings your praise.
And blessed is the One who comesand bears Your name always.
Now, as we prepare to celebrate his birth, — And in our remembering we sing the mystery of faith
Sing Christ has died, and Christ is risen, Christ will come again!
Sing Christ has died, and Christ is risen, Christ will come again!
God, you poured your Spirit — the Christmas promise a reality. And the people all sing:
(MV 205)
Amen, amen, O Holy One! Hosanna and amen!
Amen, amen, O Holy One! Hosanna and amen!
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer (VU 960)
The Pouring and Breaking and Serving
The Bread we break is the Bread of Life
The Cup we Share is the Cup of Promise
These are the gifts of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
Meditative Music: “Prelude on Veni Emmanuel”, Michael A. Joseph
Prayer Following Communion
Hymn: “Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending” VU 25
Commissioning and Benediction
Benediction Response: “Jesus Came Bringing Us Hope” MV 33
Jesus came bringing us hope. (3 times)
Hallelujah forever more. (repeat whole piece)
Postlude: “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice (In dulci jubilo)” John Leavitt
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