Home Events - Knox Vancouver Sunday Worship Service

Sunday Worship Service

Palm Passion Sunday

This Service will also be Live Streamed on https://knoxvan.com/

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Title: “A Tale of Two Parades: Triumph and Tragedy in Jerusalem”

Text: Mark 11:1-11 and Mark 15:1-39

Synopsis: This Palm/Passion Sunday, we’re taking a whirlwind ride through Jesus’ final week, from his crowd-cheering entry into Jerusalem to the somber walk towards Golgotha. We’ll see Jesus as the King who defies expectations, arriving not with fanfare but humility, and then trace his path to the cross, a journey marked by both human betrayal and divine love. It’s a day of contrasts, reflecting the roller-coaster of emotions and events that speak to the core of our faith – humility, sacrifice, and ultimate redemption. Join us as we connect the jubilation of Palm Sunday with the solemnity of Good Friday, capturing the essence of Jesus’ mission and message.

The event is finished.


Sunday 24 Mar 2024


10:00 am - 11:00 am


Knox United Church Vancouver
Knox United Church Vancouver
5590 Balaclava St, Vancouver, BC V6N 1L1


Rev Dr Richard Chung