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Sunday Worship Service

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Title: “To Love is to Live”

Text: Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24;
Ephesians 1: 15-33;
Matthew 25: 31-46

Synopsis: The scripture readings lay it on thick. In each God is saying “Step aside and let me show you how it’s done” – what it means to be not only a good shepherd, in our broken world of pain and suffering, but a great one. The Great Shepherd is more than an imminent presence, and does not simply walk with us but rescues and frees us. Christ the ‘king’ is the Great Shepherd among us and the Great Shepherd is our ‘king’ – the ruler of our hearts, minds, and lives. In and through Christ, we are exalted and are privileged to participate in the transformational process of the Holy One – the Greatest Shepherd of ALL TIME. We are called to love to truly live so that the Reign of Christ will prevail in our world.

The event is finished.


Sunday 26 Nov 2023


10:00 am - 11:00 am


Knox United Church Vancouver
Knox United Church Vancouver
5590 Balaclava St, Vancouver, BC V6N 1L1


Rev Dr Richard Chung