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Sunday Worship Service

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Title:Re-imagining: Vision for a New Future

Text: Isaiah 51: 1-6; Romans 12: 1-8; Matthew 16: 13-21

Synopsis: “Build it and they will come”. What is the church supposed to look like moving forward? Jesus said to “build my church, a church of followers of my word and story”. The blue- print is clear. If we listen to the details of our unique contribution to the world-wide blue- print of love we will find the answers. If we put God’s vision of love, joy, harmony, and hope as a priority and at the centre of each conversation about ‘what next’ we will find the answers. All we need is to turn to the firm foundation based on our faith deep in our lives.

The event is finished.


Sunday 22 Oct 2023


10:00 am - 11:00 am


Knox United Church Vancouver
Knox United Church Vancouver
5590 Balaclava St, Vancouver, BC V6N 1L1


Rev Dr Richard Chung