Sunday Worship Service
Title: “I Changed My Mind and Heart’ and ‘Impersonators and Imitators”
Text: Matthew 21: 23-32; Philippians 2: 1-13
Synopsis: In I Changed my Mind and Heart an outcast widow tells of her encounter with Jesus in the temple when he was being asked by chief priests about his authority to do the things that he did. His response was talking about changes to the religious establishment and a story of two sons. Jesus asks us to be transformed and tells us we belong to God’s kingdom as followers of the Word. As disciples of Christ, we are called to be ‘Imitators’ of Christ, and to live in a way that allows other people to SEE Christ in us. ‘Impersonators’ make people believe they are who they are not. Imitators strive to reflect the person they look up to, in this case Jesus. Paul invites us to adopt Christ-like attitudes in all aspects of our life.