We exist to love God and love our neighbours.
(Matthew 22:36-40)
We aspire to engage our neighbours through the arts,
building a community without loneliness.
What do we mean by “the arts”?
The term, “the arts”, refers to any creative activity and expression. Including:
- literature (drama, poetry, prose),
- performing arts (dance, music, theatre),
- visual arts (architecture, ceramics, drawing, painting, photography, filmography, crafts, sewing, sculpting,)
- gastronomy (the art of preparing and serving good food, the study of relationship between food and culture).
Why “the arts”?
- The medium of the arts and arts-making is an effective way to welcome different generations of varied backgrounds (race, culture, color, nationality, language, lifestyle, orientation) into one place and build a sense of well-being for all.
- The doing of the arts and arts-making melts hearts, opens minds and brings neighbours of diverse ages and backgrounds together to build a welcoming neighbourhood.
- The ministry of the arts and arts-making is an authentic and inclusive way for the church to engage its surrounding neighbourhoods. Historically, the church has been an avid champion and patron of the local arts.
- Knox has identified the arts as our key strength and main ministry for further growth.
- By engaging our neighbours through the arts, Knox aspires to champion neighbourhood arts and arts-making.
- Our new building is intentionally being desinged as a centre for neighbourhood arts and arts-making.
Why “Loneliness”?
- The issue of Social Isolation and Loneliness has been identified as one of the top social challenges facing people living in the city of Vancouver, including neighbours, many of whom are seniors or students, living close to Knox United Church.
- We have identified loneliness as the most challenging social issue facing our church.
- By becoming a radically inclusive church, the Knox United Church will position itself as a sanctuary for the isolated, marginalized, and lonely living near the church.
- Knox partners with other neighborhood groups and individuals in working towards building a neighbourhood without loneliness.
What are Mission and Vision?
A Mission Statement describes why the organization exists.
A good mission statement is clear, concise, and useful.
A Vision Statement describes where the organization wants to be in the future.
A motivating vision statement is clear, concise, inspirational and memorable.
What is the Church’s Mission and Vision?
The Church’s Mission is given by Jesus.
The Church’s Vision is unique to its local church (niche), in that, it reflects the yearning of the people in its surrounding neighbourhoods (contextual) and seeks to bring about a sense of well-being to its neighbours (missional).
Find Knox
5590 Balaclava Street
Vancouver, BC
V6N 1L1 Canada

Building our neighbourhoods and helping each other depends on your participation and donations. They are needed and appreciated.