Journey of Renewal

An Advent Reflection
Vodcast Series With Richard


Advent 4:Christmas Eve: In the Flesh

Welcome, friends, today we’re going to snuggle into the heart of Christmas, exploring the wonder of the Word becoming flesh and making His home with us.

In The Flesh

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Advent 3: The Joy of Christmas
Synopsis: Christmas is about God’s gift of love – for us — the baby in a manger — The joy of Christmas is in God’s giving all of God-self, absolutely, completely and totally giving God-self for us and for this world.

Joy to the world – for God has given the One and the only Son, Jesus Christ, the ultimate gift of love, to the world and for the world.

Joy of Christmas

Advent 2: Greetings, everyone. Today, we’re venturing into the profound question of “What and where is our true home?” In a recent episode of our vodcast series, “Homeward Bound,” Richard explored this question, emphasizing that our genuine home isn’t to be found in the realms of this earthly existence. We are, in essence, eternal foreigners and strangers here.

       Instead, our journey is one of returning home—a journey akin to the prodigal son’s return to the loving embrace of his Father—a place teeming with love, joy, forgiveness, and peace

       However, the story doesn’t conclude with the happy ending. 

PEACE in the Midst of the Storm

      Advent 1: Hello, everyone, and welcome to the very first episode of “Advent Reflection: Journey of Renewal”. Today, we’re embarking on a journey together—a journey of hope in the wilderness.

      If you’ve been following the vodcast series, “Homeward Bound,” you’ll know that life’s journey is full of unexpected twists and turns.

HOPE in the Wilderness

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