Good Stewardship

Rev Dr Richard Chung

Rev Dr Richard Chung
October 4, 2020

Love in the Time of Corona Fall Sermon Series

Good Stewardship

Based on Genesis 1:26-31

     Stewardship begins with the realization that God created everything in the world, and everything belongs to God. It’s based on our relationship with God, our relationship with our neighbours, and the ways we use the bounty God has given us – whether it is property, wealth, time, or skills, to fulfill God’s loving purposes. Everything we have comes from God as a love gift.

WORLDWIDE COMMUNION | Sunday Worship Order | October 4, 2020

Organ Prelude: “Panis Angelicus”, Cesar Franck, arr. Claire W. Johnson
Candle Lighting
Hymn: “All Things Bright and Beautiful” VU 291
A Minute for Stewardship
Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:26-31, 2:1-3
Special Music: “Every Day Is a Gift from the Lord”
Words by Nancy Price and Don Besig; Music by Don Besig

Sermon: “Love in the Time of Corona – Good Stewardship”
Communion Hymn: “I Come with Joy” VU 477 (verses 1-3 only)
Prayers of the People & the Lord’s Prayer (spoken)
Reflective Music: “Eat This Bread”,Jacques Berthier, arr. Charles Callahan
Prayer after Communion:
Hymn: “I Come with Joy” VU 477 (verses 4, 5)
Organ Postlude: “Batalha do sexto tom” Pedro De Araujo

Click —->Zoom Fellowship to join each other for virtual coffee at 11:30 am

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