Pentecost Sunday SERMON

May 23, 2021

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Can These Dry Bones Live?

Text: Ezekiel 37:1-14

      The Spirit of God brings Ezekiel out into a valley filled with dry bones, and God said, “Can these dry bones live?” Then the Spirit of God breathed into the dry bones and revived them to Life. God promises to bring back the Israel people to their land from their exile as surely as God revives the dry bones to Life. God promises to revive us when we are dried up, cut off, and hopeless. 

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Capital Project Donations provide Knox the foundation to build and be a committed member of our neighbourhoods. Decades of fund raising allowed the purchase and maintenance of our building. They supported the never ending ‘projects’ which come with property ownership ~ repave the parking lot, fix the roof, etc., leading to today and greater potential.
   This ongoing help is needed and appreciated for today and the years ahead.

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5600 Balaclava Street
Vancouver, BC
V6N 1L1   Canada