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Updates on Knox’s Strategic (Ministry) Plan – April 2024

Knox Strategic Plan for 2024 to 2026

If you attended Knox’s ACM in February, you had a chance to hear about (and vote on) Knox’s Strategic Plan.  Sometimes also called a Ministry Plan, this plan is being developed to keep us focused and efficient while we strive to live out God’s vision for us with smaller budgets and an aging congregation.

During the ACM, the Knox congregation voted on 5 goals — 2 of which are administrative, and which will be mostly handled by staff members and relevant teams.  The other 3 goals are vision and spirit led, and will enliven our life at Knox while we navigate the realities of living in the southwest corner of Vancouver in this post-pandemic time.

Let’s recap the Strategic Plan goals:

1.  Making Space(s):  

This goal is about two things:  

  • Making the sanctuary building as comfortable and as functional as possible while we continue to wait for the development of our new building.  A past example of similar success is  when we upgraded the Flower Room to make it usable as a tiny kitchen.
  • Continuing to shepherd the development project.  This means being ready to respond quickly to any changes, and leveraging any opportunities we can find to keep things moving.  This also includes acquiring an office trailer, so that our staff can work more efficiently in a more ideal workspace.

2.  Financial Comfort: 

This goal is about refining our financial reporting and processes, coming to terms with our true financial picture AND becoming objective about money (taking gut and emotional decisions around money out of the picture).  We will strive to understand what it means to be good stewards in this time and this place (Pro tip:  Stewardship can’t look like it did in the past).

3.  IN-reach:  

This goal is about ramping up care for our congregation, and you’ve probably already noticed some initiatives popping up in this area:  The relaunch of Healing Touch, our new all-abilities Chair Fitness classes (22 people on opening day!), Bible & Brew (coffee / tea) with Rev. Richard, Arts & Crafts afternoons, and the Second Sunday Meal.   Watch for more initiatives to come!

4.  Expanding our Web Ministry:  

With the development of our Vision, the Knox website evolved from a typical church website into a Web Ministry.  And while this ministry’s purpose was clear during the pandemic, lately, it’s less clear.  This goal means bringing clarity to questions such as:   Who are we trying to serve, and why?  What do we want them to know, do, or experience?  How can we link Knox with neighbourhood, the Arts, and support social connectedness with the website?  And how do we measure success with this ministry?

5.  Becoming Partner-ready:  

This goal is about getting ourselves in order, so that we can be more appealing (i.e. professional, efficient, organized) to potential partners.  Currently, Pacific Mountain Region (PMR) is noticing a direct correlation between “churches that partner with other organizations that share values” and “success”.  Good thing we were already building this into our plan as a goal!  We will seek out churches and other non-profit neighbourhood organizations with the aim of finding groups who want to work in collaboration with Knox.  (Please note, this does not necessarily mean Amalgamation.  Amalgamation is a CRA technical term, and it would be something deeply explored and discussed before ever happening.) 

So where are we at on this plan?  Since the ACM, the Board has been working hard on lists of “Tactics” to support our Goals.  If the goals are “WHAT we want to do”, then the tactics are “HOW we’ll do it, and WHO will do it”.  In May, we’ll bring Tactics to the congregation for discussion.  And in June or September, we’ll take a look at a potential new governance structure for Knox.  This structure will need to rely less on volunteers and more on paid accountable roles.

Change is really, really, really hard.  REALLY hard.  Sometimes the flexibility, informed risk, and creativity needed to support change feels like too much.  The sense of control that comes with the status quo can hold tremendous appeal.  At any time, if Knox chooses the status quo, that’s what we’ll do.  But it’s important to know that with the status quo comes a shorter lifespan.  Our money and people numbers won’t last.  At every meeting PMR, we hear this: “We want you to experiment”.  The Strategic Plan will show PMR that we are trying new things, which will then allow us to pursue additional funding.  This funding is key to securing a longer, brighter future for Knox, or a solid legacy in our neighbourhood.

Communication is hard, too.  Our leaders are incredibly stretched, managing both Knox work and personal demands.  We’ve committed to communicating frequently as tactics begin to unfold, and we will make opportunities for ongoing conversation.  One of our IN-reach tactics, Second Sunday Meals, will be a great chance to talk informally about all the latest and greatest, and hear news direct from the Board and leaders.

Please don’t forget that good communication happens two-ways.  If you miss a meeting, or if you have questions, ideas, or concerns, our leaders need to hear them directly.  Reach out to the key leader involved on a topic if you’ve heard something that makes you feel worried — or go right to myself or Rev. Richard.  Rumours are an inevitable part of change, but they’re not a healthy part.

We are a family-sized congregation with deeply shared values and beliefs.  We exist to love God and our neighbours, we value the Arts and social connection, and we understand how these bring people together.  We offer deep and authentic hospitality to everyone.  In a city where the population is larger than ever, loneliness and isolation are a growing social (and health) issue.  Knox is needed in our community more than ever.  No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.  Together, led by Christ and our vision, we can make a better neighbourhood for everyone around us.

– submitted by Susan, Knox Board Chair


Annual Reports , Governance Chart, New Directions



Draft Budget for 2022



     Your questions are welcome.
     Give us a call at 604 261 3747. 

     Better yet, drop in, talk with any of the congregation and ask us your questions in person – we are always happy to chat.

Knox Front / Alter
Knox Church view of front with Choir seated
Knox Back Balcony
Knox Church back balcony
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Knox working to help First United needs

Knox Front in Summer
Knox in the Summer
Knox Church in Winter
Knox in the Winter
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Knox working to help UN Refugee Agency

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5590 Balaclava Street
Vancouver, BC
V6N 1L1   Canada